Monday, December 22, 2014

Jacqueline's School Concert, Getting Ready for Christmas!!

It's been a while since I last wrote, and a lot of fun things have happened!
First was Jacqueline's school Christmas concert! She did so well and had a blast singing!. I sent her to school that day with her hair all in braids and went there before the concert started to get her in her dress and do her hair! She sang three songs, I cant post them here, they are too large. (Bummer!! I was hoping it would work) They are on my facebook page if you haven't seen them. Mom, Anneke, and Kevin were able to make it and watch her sing! Jacqueline made the whole gym laugh!! In the second song, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, she was grooving and really getting into the song, it was funny!

*******Update****** Put the videos on youtube

First song, Jacqueline is in the black dress, hair down and a bow in her hair. Second from the tops left side!

Second song!

Last song. Sorry for all the coughing and moving around!

A few days later I helped Nathan, Sandy and Kevin trail the cows home (to Nathan and Sandy's place). The cows were about 3 miles from our house and we trailed them 15 miles, well we didn't make it the 15 miles. The cows moved so slow and it was dusk when we stopped and we were about 3 miles from Nathan and Sandy's place.  I left early to be home before the kids got off the bus and then an hour or so later Kevin came home. It was fun, but boring at the same time (only because we crawled, turtle speed) It took almost 2 hours to get the cows in front of our house, well it didn't help that one cow was 'oh so wonderful' and wouldn't cross the bridge. Kevin and Nathan were on four wheelers and chased her around for like 10 minutes before she gave up and crossed the bridge.  Nathan said that last year the cows would not cross the bridge at all, and this year Kevin had an idea, have the tractor and processor in front and put hay out on the bridge. Worked like a charm! Sandy was in the lead with the tractor (she also had Bo) and then all the cows Kevin, Nathan and Bandit pushing and moving the cows and I was the caboose in a truck with Liz!

Getting the cows to head out!

On the road home they go!

Almost to our house!

There it is!

Bandit working the cows! He did a great job! Just a few kinks to work on!

Decorating for Christmas is always fun! We always put up the tree and decorate the tree together as a family. I do the rest of the house a few days later! It was kinda nice this year, I got the rest of the house decorated while the kids were at school and did it in one day!

Nathaniel decorating the tree!

Jacqueline decorating the tree!

All done!

Bella is fascinated with the lights, and the ornaments! She hasn't knocked any to the ground but she sure plays with them on the tree. 

Shadow could care less about the ornaments and lights, she likes it as a napping spot! Well, she did until I wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree!

I promised Jacqueline one day after school that we could make cookies together! We did and it was fun! I did all the measuring and she turned the beaters on and off.  I showed her how to roll the cookies and did one tray, and she rolled the rest! She was pretty proud of herself for rolling the cookies and was so happy when Kevin got home so she could show him!
I had Jacqueline sift the dry ingredients, she thought that was cool!

Making sure the bowl spins! 

Pausing to lick the spoon and making sure it is good!

Jacqueline's rolled cookies! Fingers were licked after each cookie was rolled!

Ginger Molasses Cookies!!! Yummy!!!!

Last Tuesday, Jacqueline had a pajama party at school and they watched The Polar Express and had a great day!! She loved it! On Friday, they decorated gingerbread cookies! She was beyond excited to show us her cookies that she decorated and she shared with us and was just beaming and grinning from ear to ear when we tried her cookies and told her how good they were!! They were good!! Today and is Nathaniel's turn to have a pajama party and movie at school.  He didn't want to wear his pajamas to school, so he took a blanket instead!  Tomorrow is the kids last day of school of the year and the start of out Christmas vacation.  I'm not sure how well that will go. They are excited for Christmas but after that I think that there will be tears because there is not school.  We had a few tears in the mornings and before they went to bed during Thanksgiving! But we are going to keep them busy! 

Next week is busy!! I am making cookies and a few other goodies on Monday (at least just the cookie dough) for the New Years Eve party with the Church. Setting up on Tuesday and Wednesday and then party later that night!! It is going to be fun!! They are bringing in sand and having beach volleyball, bingo, ping-pong, bouncy houses, and 4-person joust! I am hoping to take pictures to show you! 

I hope everyone has as very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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