Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Kelo, Jacqueline and the Garden!

Last time I wrote I said that we hope that in a month Kevin would be riding Kelo, well, a few weeks ago Kevin did just that!! He hasn't rode him outside of a pen yet, that is coming. It was great to see Kevin finally ride him, it was a year of waiting for it to happen!

Kevin did ride him a second time, but this time there was a little hiccup, Kelo bucked and Kevin fell off.  He didn't get hurt to bad, just hurt his knee and his neck and shoulder are still sore/stiff after a week. There was a lot going around Kelo that had his attention and wasn't the right time to get on him.  When Kelo bucked, it wasn't his power buck (we have seen that one) but it was still a buck. We work him whenever we can and he does really well.  We take Kelo out of his pen and walk him around the house, Kevin has even worked him out in the open too.  Since we have gotten this far, our goal now is for Kelo to be the best that he can be by the time fall comes when we trail cows!

Since we are talking about Kevin, this past weekend there was a parade in town and Kevin rode in the parade on his mom's horse representing our Church! He did a really good job! Next year we would like to do it together as a family whether its all of us on horses or doing a float with other Church members.

Jacqueline got her spacers put in yesterday, she is not to fond of it. It bothers her when she eats but other then that she is doing really well!! The spacers will come out when her teeth start growing back in.  Jacqueline really likes going to the dentist, it helps that her dentist is really good with her. She gets excited when she has to go to the dentist! 

A quick update on the chickens!!! They are doing really well, just not to fond of the heat.  I did build them another shade shelter, made it bigger this time.  They really like this one, and they use it more so then the other one I build them! I nailed upholstery fabric all around it to keep the shade in and to help stop the rain from going underneath.  Food stays dry when it rains and the water stays a little bit cooler in the shade then it does when I leave it in the coop.  

I did loose one hen. I'm not sure what happened but I do know that she wasn't laying.  She wasn't acting herself, I was able to pick her up (since she didn't want to get out of the nesting box) and I got the eggs, she went right back in and where I found her the next morning.  I am still learning with the chickens so I am watching my other ones to see if they are acting the same way. So far nothing!!

I don't have a full picture of the garden yet, but I will.  I am getting lettuce and radishes!! They are good!! I haven't had one radish yet that didn't have a bite of heat to it, yummy!!!!

They are really pretty, reds, purples and white in color!! I almost thought that I had turnip seeds mixed in, but nope!! Good bite of heat, no matter the color!!!
Mixed lettuce greens!

Flowering kale, haven't tried it yet. Next salad I will.

Corn and sunflowers!! I read that sunflowers planted next to cucumbers, makes them sweeter! 

Brussle sprouts! Little tiny sprouts are starting to grow!!

That's all I have for now! Hopefully I will start writing more soon!! 

These ladies were in the front yard Sunday morning, so fun to watch!!! Hope you all have a great day!!

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