Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting Jacqueline school ready.

This post I had written on the computer once and deleted it. Had it written in my head many times since.  Each time I wrote it, my tone changed.  The first time I wrote it, I had to keep stopping and come back to it later because it was making me mad.  I was mad at the test because, they told what I didn't want to hear, and mad at myself because, I felt I failed Jacqueline and Nathaniel as a mom in doing my part at teaching them.  Now, I'm still a little mad at myself but proud at the same time.  Both kids have come along way since the school journey began.

Back in April, we registered Jacqueline for kindergarten.  We were excited in a way.  She was the only one that is going into kindergarten that didn't go to preschool, so she needed to do a screening.  The screening took place the same day we registered Nathaniel for preschool, he was being screened also.  Going into the screening, I felt the kids would do well, but might not do well on the language.  When the screening was done and the speech therapist talked to us about the results, I felt like I was slapped in the face.  I didn't want to believe that she was telling us.  Both kids failed the screening.

An appointment was set to go over the results deeper and ask me questions and to set another appointment to do a more in depth screening.  The principle, speech therapist, preschool teacher and an early childhood specialist was there (a little intimidating).

Another meeting was set to go over those result, Nathaniel was first.  He has the language of a 2.5 (2 years 5 months) year old and needs speech therapy on days that he is not in preschool.  Jacqueline was next and the kindergarten teacher was in on that one.  She also had the language of a 2.8 (2 years 8 months) year old.  She also would need speech therapy.  It was talked about that she go to preschool on the days that she is not in kindergarten for the first quarter (kindergarten is every other day the first quarter and every day after Thanksgiving).  I was reading what everyone was not saying,  "Jacqueline should go to preschool this year and not kindergarten."

In between the two meetings Jacqueline had a Kindergarten day (she loved it). So after the meeting I talked to the kindergarten teacher on how well she did.  Another blow.  She said that not well at all.  She couldn't cut with a scissors or say her ABC's and it was also implied that kindergarten was not for her this year.  But she did tell me that since I was planning on 'teaching her' this summer, she gave me websites that she uses and tips to help her get ready. I was still hurt but a little relieved that she was trying to help me and steer me in the right direction.  I was told everything that she needs to know to get into kindergarten and how school has changed so much in the last few years (common core, don't know much about it but already don't like it).

Well, it is a little less then a month until school starts and I have to say that I am so PROUD of Jacqueline!! She knows all her letters, can sing her ABC's and can count to 20 (a little help on that).  She asks almost everyday to do her ABC's and do stuff for school.  She still needs help on with scissors bit, have more things to do with that, and I need to work on her with writing/spelling her name.  I still have a little bit of time for that.  She will be going to kindergarten this fall (August 19th is her first day), not sure if she is still going to be in preschool on the other days or not.  It became a little surreal the other day when I received the letter from the kindergarten teacher saying when the open house is (a day the kids can bring all the supplies and get a look around the room and the parents and teacher can talk for a bit). I also got the days she goes to school the first 9 weeks, Tuesday and Thursdays!

 A letter from the preschool teacher also sent out a letter for Nathaniel too.  He will be going to school full days on Tuesday and Thursdays (school is half days everyday but speech therapy the other half of days on Tues, and Thurs).

What really made me feel good and proud that I am doing something right, came from a 10 year old boy, named Sam (Nathan and Sandy's oldest).  He said "She grew up and is more mature. She is not the same she was a while ago."  We only have been up there a few times this summer and it was the first time that they really talked (other visits were short quick ones, this trip was a nice visit one).  Jacqueline is not the same little girl that she was back in January or April when the screening took place, neither is Nathaniel.  Both have grown in the language and 'smarts' for school.  I'm not to worried about getting Nathaniel ready for school as he is going to preschool, but he has learn more of his colors and letters from watching Jacqueline learn!

Both kids will be starting school on August 19.  They both are excited for school and that they will be riding the bus (the bus will come to our door!).  Looking back now, yeah I was mad and upset but it was natural at the time.  Now I realize that if school started in April, Jacqueline was not ready for kindergarten.  She is ready now, she might not be where the other kids are but it wont take long and she will be at the same speed as the other kids.  She is a quick learner and smart too!!

Well, I should get a 'cutting' project ready for Jacqueline!! Have a great day!!!

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