Saturday, August 30, 2014

Random collection of thoughts.

My mind is full of thoughts and kind of all over the place. I hope that it comes out 'organized' and not everything rambled all together.
The other night I was thinking about how different evenings are compared to what they use to be at the old place.  I remember that I use to stand at the window and just watch and see if Kevin was coming home and I would just loose track of time just watching out the window.  Now, I really don't do that anymore. As it gets to bed time I put things away and glance out the window to see if he is coming down the road and get ready for bed myself.  It almost makes it easier now, knowing that Sandy is in the same boat that I am. It is harvest time and they are going to be pushing it hard for the next two weeks as long as we don't get rain (kinda ironic, we are going to be getting a storm tonight I see it flashing as I'm writing this).  I really do feel more, at peace (not sure how to put it) here.
The kids finished their second week of school and with that we had our first school time cold.  Jacqueline started it Saturday morning with sneezing and then we up all that night coughing, even with her taking the children's night time cough syrup.  Nathaniel had it on Monday and it hit him harder then it did Jacqueline. He stayed home from school on Tuesday as he still had a fever and was not eating, until Kevin came home for lunch that day. Kevin and I both got it too and Kevin got it worse then I did. I just have the deep cough that is annoying but not bad that I need to take something for it. Back to the kids and school.  This week was the first time that they both went all day! Nathaniel fell asleep on the way home on the bus Thursday.  They both are really loving school.  They are beyond excited to show me what they did at school and tell me all about their day.  I am almost wondering if I should send a note to Jacqueline's teacher and ask if she is making any friends as I hear nothing of that. But at the same time it is only the second week of school. I might wait another week before I ask the teacher.  Nathaniel really does not like it when Jacqueline goes to school without him.  He cries and I know that it is a mix of him wanting to ride the bus with her and that he is by himself.  Jacqueline really is his best friend.  I wanted to cry with him as he cries as the bus goes down the driveway, I know that it will get better.  I am really looking forward to the school year.....picture day is coming up in a few weeks as is homecoming week. The elementary kids get to dress up!! This is going to be fun!!
We got some barn kittens this week!! A mother and five babies (mother moved 3 and hid them well, we see her every once in a while) and then four older ones.
There is another one just like this one, the mom left them behind

The four older ones, Cali, Sorbet, Peaches, and Tiger.

The four bigger ones are good older siblings to the two little ones.  I feed them morning and night, they really are a lot of fun.  The dogs to get along with them well and I have heard hisses from them telling the dogs that they have had enough!
Today I made my first batch of pickles (bread and butter)! I only had 4 little cucumbers, which came to two quart jars.  I didn't use the canner, and I'm not sure I will this season.  
They taste good!! Going to get more cucumbers when I go to the Farmer's Market next week!!

This is the smaller of the two pumpkins!

This is the largest pumpkin!

I really do have a lot more to say and write, but the longer I sit and write, the louder the thunder is getting and the more lightning strikes I see.  It really is moving in closer. I'm not really scared, but I'm calm about it and it feels good to say that!! I hear the rain starting and the thunder rolls, Angels bowling (a good way to think of thunder, and it really does sound like someone bowling if you think about it!)
Well, the lights flickered and its a sign that I should call it a night and shut the computer down. Night all!!!

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