Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summer's end!

This post I was planning on having done and posted at the perfect time, the night before the kids go to school, to officially mark the end of summer! But, I decided that I have too much to share that it probably be best to do it now.  From big milestones with Kelo and us to kids being excited for school, and a few things that I forgot to add to post past!

I'll start with what I forgot about and work to the most recent and the new stuff!!

I was really wanting to share this, its a new statue that a local (semi-local) guy made for the museum. It was displayed during the parade for the towns 125th birthday celebration.  There is one of these, need to get a picture, outside of the museum of a cowboy riding a triceratops.  Its cool looking! 

This was Jacqueline's 'school' work that she did after I did the post about her getting school ready! 

She also did this too...we are still working on her writing.  She can spell her name all by herself! She is also starting to write her last name too...she gets at least the 'Et' right. That's as far as she gets with that!

Jacqueline got her first loose tooth!! She was so excited about it too!

We did a little fixing up on the house, the porch. I got it all clean so that Kevin could repair the holes that are there, at least temporally. 

This is after the hole were patched.  The head board, I will eventually turn into a back of a bench for the porch.

This whole side will get replaced, the front side is really loose.

Jacqueline lost her first tooth!!!! Loved playing tooth fairy!!! She lost it the day before the BBQ party we had! The tooth next to the one she lost, is now loose!

That is all for what I forgot in post past, now to the new stuff!! We will start with Kelo! He really has come a long way since the first time we worked with him! (I have come a long way too, with letting my timidness and nervousness go) We know that he has some training as a cutting horse, he has the foot work down and it really is a beautiful thing to see! Kelo has also calmed down a lot (making him a gelding has helped too) I am able walk him around know problem, he leads really well.  He nudges my shoulder we we walk as if to tell me that I am walking to slow, or its his was of telling me that I am doing a good job! 
I really love walking him around!!

Of course, I had to take a selfie!! Many more are to come, just a warning :) I kinda love this horse too!!

Kelo really is very gentle! Jacqueline walked him for a while. She was so happy she finally was able to do so!! Kevin was watching (and taking pictures) and said that he saw Kelo change as I let go of the rope and let Jacqueline have it! 

He really looks happy to have Jacqueline walking him!

The next day Jacqueline lost her second tooth, I had to help pull it.  Well, I held the tooth and squeezed it a little and it came out!

She was so excited the next morning to see that the tooth fairy came. She yelled from her room at the end of the hall, "Mommy, Mommy, The tooth fairy came!!" All before Kevin's alarm went off that morning! It was worth getting up a little earlier to a very happy little girl!
Jacqueline had a check-up and to possibly get updated on shots.  The doctor told me what I already knew, Jacqueline is tall for her age! She was in the 80th percentile for height, 50% for weight and at a 56% for the weight/height ratio! She didnt need any shots, but she did need to get her finger pricked to test for lead (the pediatrician likes to do them at this age) and she didnt cry at all.  I was really surprised, she usually cries at the smallest scratch.
This past Sunday, at the Church we have been going too lately had a lunch at the end of the service and we stayed for it.  They were taking pictures for the Facebook page and we were in one of the pictures and made it on the page!

The kids had an open house for their class today, and they had a blast!! They both were in tears because they wanted to stay in school! They both will start school on Tuesday. Nathaniel will go every Tuesday and Thursday all day. Jacqueline every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Friday until November and then everyday after that!
I will end with the garden. I am still getting a lot of goodies out of it and they taste really good!! Mainly peas, green beans, and zucchini!! I am so excited because I have a watermelon, a honeydew and a few pumpkins growing!!! I cant wait until they are ready (I will have pictures next time).

Well, I need to get dinner going. Hope you all have a great evening!!

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